Amsterdam, Netherlands

The Moral Organization

when 22 July 2024 - 26 July 2024
language English
duration 1 week
credits 3 EC
fee EUR 995

Scandals in public and private organizations are an everyday occurrence. Money laundering by banks, sexual abuse by employees of NGO's, the marketing of unsafe products, are just a few of reoccurring events that harm society. At the same time, many organizations are undertaking corporate social responsibility activities, with the clear intention to contribute positively to society. It is important for both scientists and the general public to better understand why organizations often want to act morally, yet fail to do so, and why others could be regarded as exemplary organizations.

We will discuss insights from moral psychology, grounded in Social Identity Theory (SIT), to explain (im)moral behaviour in and by organizations. SIT argues that individuals derive their identity from (ideally positive) group memberships, and that their behaviour usually follows from their self-definition as group members. For most people, the organization they work for is a very important 'group', with which they can identify, and which contributes to their self-image.

Our students will learn that many issues regarding (im)moral behaviour in and 'by' organizations stem from high levels of identification with the organization, leading to a disregard for societal outcomes, sometimes even leading to negative outcomes for their own organization. They will also learn to understand how organizations may change - or can be helped to change - to avoid such detrimental outcomes and become a moral organization.

Our interactive course teaches students the latest insights in moral behaviour in and by organizations, through interactive lectures, movies, short cases, discussion sessions and in-class team assignments. Guest lectures by experts from organizations that have a special interest in moral behaviour or visits to one or two organizations will also be part of the program.

Course leader

Dr. Dick de Gilder

Fee info

EUR 995: Tuition fees one-week course

VU Students/PhD candidates and employees of VU Amsterdam* or an Aurora Network Partner €525
Students at Partner Universities of VU Amsterdam €680
Students and PhD candidates at non-partner universities of VU Amsterdam €785
Professionals €995

Early Bird offer
Applications received before 15 March (14 March CET 23:59) receive €50 Early Bird discount!


VU Amsterdam Summer School offers two kinds of scholarships: the Equal Access Scholarship and the Photographer Scholarship. More information can be found on the VU Amsterdam Summer School website.