Trento, Italy

Recent research directions in Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management: Optimization and Big Data Forecasting

when 5 July 2019 - 9 July 2019
language English
duration 1 week
credits 1 EC
fee EUR 380

In this tutorial we will cover recent approaches and advances in the optimization and estimation and forecasting aspects of Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management. The availability of massively parallel computers and theoretical advances have led to new algorithms and approaches with both practical and theoretical interest in the area of network optimization.

Likewise, new machine learning approaches and the availability of new data sources is also influencing the area of estimation and forecasting of pricing models.

Course leader

Professor Kalyan Talluri, Imperial College London

Target group

PhD students, practitioners and business participants in tourism and hospitality.

Course aim

Understanding the state of the art in dynamic pricing and revenue management for the hospitality sector.

Fee info

EUR 380: The forfeit amount (for PhD and master students) covers the entire participation at LION-APP, including ten related courses in tourism and hospitality during the period July 5 - 9, 2019