Konstanz, Germany

Limnology Lake Constance and Danube River

when 21 July 2019 - 25 July 2019
language English
duration 1 week
credits 1 EC
fee EUR 180

IN this Course you learn (1) how to catch and Analyse Plankton samples from lake Constance, (2) about the re-oligotrophication success in restoring the lake, (3) the actual Research at the Limnological Institute, (4) about ecotoxicology and online biomonitoring of polltuion and (5) how to teach aquatic ecology for Children and in nature conservation context. Moreover, you visit a large waterwork facility and the headstream of the Danube River.

Course leader

Dr. Almut Gerhardt, (KWBodensee) Prof. K.O. Rothhaupt (University of Constance), Prof. H. Weitzel (PH Weingarten)

Target group

MS students in biology, ecology, environmental Sciences, nature conservation, geo-ecology, life Sciences.

Course aim

To learn limnological Methods in both lake and stream ecological assessment and monitoing of Pollution.

Fee info

EUR 180: early bird fee
EUR 300: late Registration fee