Utrecht, Netherlands

Creative Intelligence

when 21 August 2017 - 26 August 2017
language English
duration 1 week
fee EUR 599

How strong is your idea power? Are you eager to become a more inventive professional? Would you love to use both your intellect and your imagination for more impactful innovation? Then join us for this one-week celebration of Creative Intelligence!

The Creative Intelligence summer course is an intensive program in which you learn what Creative Intelligence is and how to apply it. Both as an individual in your personal life and as an (aspiring) entrepreneur in your organisation, for your peers and colleagues, employees and the world in which you live.

You’ll discover different ways to access, amplify and cultivate Creative Intelligence. You will be introduced to our unique heuristic for Creative Intelligence, which you can keep on using after the course, in order to support the growth of your creative intelligence. You can also involve others, using this heuristic.

The course will hand you methods and tools to apply creative intelligence in your personal and professional life. We combine theory and practice, for hands-on experience. We’ll design our own experiments and carry out in-depth research in a real world setting.

It will be an exciting exploration! We’re going on an adventure...

Course leader

Course leaders will be Jens Gijbels (Fundamentals Academy), Annedien Hoen and Erwin Elling (Veld organisational development).

Target group

For EU students who aspire to play a role in innovation, change and transition. Intended for students who have completed at least 2 years of their current curriculum. If you are from a non-EU country, then please consult the course leaders to check whether and how you can join.

Course aim

Learn how to apply creative intelligence for innovation and improvement.
Become a more savvy user of the Veld heuristic for creative intelligence.

Fee info

EUR 599: Ticket for Creative Intelligence summer course. Please note that our summer course has a minimum of 8 attendees.