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Life Sciences

Boreal Winter Ecology


15 February - 19 February 2016


The Jyväskylä Winter School of Ecology


University of Jyväskylä


Jyväskylä, Konnevesi Research Station




2.0 EC


The course deals with dynamics in physical and biotic environment in boreal and subarctic winter, individual and population level adaptation to cold environment and effects of climate change on individuals and populations. Specifically lectures, demonstrations and field work focus on snow ecology, plant adaptations to winter conditions and effects of climate change on boreal and arctic vegetation, small mammal and bird adaptations to winter and life under ice. The course week includes an excursion to a national park using cross-country skis (skis for foreign participants are available at site, possibility for walking exists if skiing is not familiar) and every student should prepare a short presentation on a selected topic related to seasonality and winter in the students’ home country.

Course leader

Prof. Hannu Ylönen (University of Jyväskylä), Dr. Minna-Maarit Kytöviita (University of Jyväskylä), Dr. Sirpa Rasmus (University of Jyväskylä), Jukka Syrjänen (University of Jyväskylä), Dr. Marko Haapakoski (University of Jyväskylä), and Dr. Saana Sipari

Target group

All international and Finnish students who are majoring in Biology, especially those with emphasis on Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology, Aquatic Ecology, Limnology, Hydrobiology or Environmental Science, are encouraged to apply to the Jyväskylä Winter School of Ecology.

Course aim

The most important aims of the Winter School are to develop scientific readiness and to offer students the possibility to study in a modern, scientific environment and to create connections to the international science community.



15 February - 19 February 2016


The Jyväskylä Winter School of Ecology


University of Jyväskylä


2.0 EC

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