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Business & Entrepreneurship

Developing Entrepeneurial Ecosystems in Africa


08 July - 12 July 2024


Utrecht Summer School


Utrecht University








0.0 EC


250 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Developing Entrepeneurial Ecosystems in Africa
Top course


In this Utrecht Summer School we provide the foundations and share the newest insights from entrepreneurial ecosystem research and practice in Africa. We also provide paper development workshops for new research on developing entrepreneurial ecosystems in Africa, in particular on opportunities for sustainable development.

Despite increased attention to entrepreneurial ecosystems by academia and policymakers, our understanding of the conditions enabling productive entrepreneurship in African economies remains incomplete. This knowledge gap is particularly notable given Africa's unique context:

Africa boasts the world's youngest population, projected to reach 500 million aged 15-24 by 2080. This demographic dividend presents a significant potential for youth entrepreneurship, but without robust ecosystems, this potential may not be realized.
Africa faces profound challenges in wellbeing and societal issues, such as low incomes and high unemployment rates. Understanding how entrepreneurship can contribute to addressing these challenges is crucial for sustainable development.
Africa holds vast natural resources, yet often suffers from the "resource curse," hindering development. Balancing resource exploitation with sustainable entrepreneurship is imperative.
Africa's diversity can be a source of innovation but also conflict. Leveraging this diversity while mitigating conflict is key for fostering entrepreneurship.
The African diaspora, with its diverse characteristics, can impact entrepreneurship through remittances. Understanding these dynamics is essential for harnessing diaspora contributions.
Informality characterizes much of African entrepreneurship due to weak formal institutions, shaping the evolution of ecosystems.
Given these complexities and the limited research in the field, there's a significant need and opportunity for studying African entrepreneurial ecosystems. Scholarly and policy interest in entrepreneurial ecosystems stems from their potential to drive sustainable development. In summary, exploring entrepreneurial ecosystems in Africa is essential for realizing the continent's economic potential and addressing its unique challenges.

Course leader

Prof. dr. Erik Stam

Target group

This Summer School is targeted towards PhD students, junior and senior academic researchers.

Course aim

In this Utrecht Summer School we provide the foundations and share the newest insights from entrepreneurial ecosystem research and practice in Africa. We also provide paper development workshops for new research on developing entrepreneurial ecosystems in Africa, in particular on opportunities for sustainable development.

Fee info


250 EUR, Course+ course materials + lunch


200 EUR, Housing fee



08 July - 12 July 2024


Utrecht Summer School


Utrecht University




0.0 EC

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