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Political Science

Gender Mainstreaming in EU projects and programmes


07 September - 09 September 2016


OQ Consulting


OQ. Consulting


Kevelaer-Wetten, World House






0.0 EC


715 EUR


Great opportunity to get knowledge and skills for gender mainstreaming.
This training will contribute to increase the relevance and quality of Gender Mainstreaming in EU projects and programmes. The course will provide a general overview on what is gender, what is the meaning of different gender concepts, and which are the main EU and International commitments to gender equality. It will give a description of the strategies used to mainstream gender equality in a top-down and bottom-up approach, and will provide steps to follow in the phases of the Project Cycle Management, and concrete tools to mainstream gender through the projects.
The course offers a combination of theory and practice, with PowerPoints presentations and interactive group exercises.

More info on the official website

Course leader

Dra. Thera van Osch is a leading senior gender trainer. She has over 30 years of experience in capacity building for gender mainstreaming. In the past seven years she trained over 2.000 professionals, including EU Staff members.

Target group

This training is for students and young professionals who are interested in Gender Mainstreaming worldwide.
It is also for students: Development, International Relations, European Studies, Anthropology, Cultural Studies and Ethnic Studies, Sociology ect.
Studenst and young professionals, who are orientating about working in non-profit organizations and companies involved in EU projects and programmes for Gender Mainstreaming.

Course aim

Aim of the training is to enhance the capacity of civil servants, staff of NGOs, young professionals and students who wish to improve their knowledge about gender equality in development cooperation, to mainstream gender equality throughout EU project and programmes.

Also, it is very important for students who think about a job at EU institutions.



07 September - 09 September 2016


OQ Consulting


OQ. Consulting




0.0 EC


715 EUR, Three-day fee including the training fee, training materials, accommodation (2 nights) in standard room, a field visit and all


697 EUR, Three-day fee including the training fee, training materials, accommodation (2 nights) in hostel room, a field visit and all

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