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Social Sciences

International Research Workshop


28 September - 03 October 2014


International Research Workshop


University of Southern Denmark


Sankelmark (near Flensburg) & Sønderborg (Denmark)




5.0 EC


399 EUR


In detail the following courses will be offered:

Parallel Courses in the morning (September 28-October 1):
- Data Analysis with R
- Data Analysis with Stata
- Qualitative Research Methodology and Design Strategy
- Expert Interviews
- Introduction to German Data Sets

Parallel Courses in the afternoon (September 28-October 1):
- Spatial and Panel Econometrics
- Questionnaire Design
- Qualitative Compartive Analysis (QCA) and Fuzzy Sets
- Structural Equation Modelling with R
- Case Study Research

Parallel Courses at the SDU (October 2):
- Introduction to MaxQDA
- Network Analysis
- Mixed Methods
- Academic Writing
- Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Survey Sampling

Course leader

The International Research Workshop is organised by - Prof. Dr. Wenzel Matiaske, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Helmut-Schmidt-University/University of Federal Armed Forces and Research Professor at the German Institute for Economic Research (

Target group

Ph.D. students at the beginning of their research project

Course aim

Empirical research is seeking through methodological processes to discover, hopefully, nontrivial facts and insights. Beside choosing a topic and grounding an idea in theory, empirical research consists of gathering and analysing data as well as presenting results in scientific contexts in order to contribute new issues to the body of acquired knowledge – not only to someone‘s own but also to that of others.

Our workshop tackles these steps of your research project:

- Gathering data via (un)structured interviews and analysing standardized survey data,
- using the computer for qualitative and quantitative data analysis.

These steps will strengthen the cooperation in empirical research to boost and streamline ones project.



28 September - 03 October 2014


International Research Workshop


University of Southern Denmark


5.0 EC


399 EUR, The regular workshop fee is 399 Euro (including meals and accommodation).


249 EUR, The workshop fee is 249 Euro without accomodation at Sankelmark (only meals are included).

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