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Life Sciences

Medical Biology


01 July - 25 August 2018


Lite Regal Summer School


LITE Regal Summer School


Cambridge, London


United Kingdom




0.0 EC


3995 GBP

This versatile program is aimed for students that are considering medicine and/or biology as majors to take in University. Students are given an overview on topics discussed in both medicine and biology, helping develop and foster a greater understanding of the theory behind medicine. Students will engage in lecture and laboratory activities that help build confidence and knowledge on the subject matter. The topics are to facilitate students’ abilities to apply the concepts covered to actual applications, provided with supplementary materials for you to get ahead among your peers. The bulk of the program will deal with topics regarding medical biology and its fundamental subjects. Topics are based on lessons that are typically taught in regular school semesters, with additional lessons to broaden the students’ perspectives. Each day of the program will be composed of a morning and an afternoon session. The morning sessions will focus on lectures, while those in the afternoon will be laboratory workshops related to the said lectures. Workshop activities may either be done in groups or individually, depending on the nature of the activity. Debates, class reports, and group brainstorming sessions are some of the activities that may occur during the afternoon sessions.

Target group

15 to 18

Course aim

By the end of two weeks, this course aims to achieve the following outcomes: Understand the fundamental principles of medical biology Develop critical thinking and scientific reasoning Able to understand and interpret data in research findings Explain the structure, organization, function, genetics and metabolism of living matter in molecular terms Able to relate to issues such as stem cell research, global warming, cloning, gene manipulation and the likes The course aims to foster a positive attitude towards the subject matter, and to inspire students to pursue higher studies on the field.



01 July - 25 August 2018


Lite Regal Summer School


LITE Regal Summer School




0.0 EC


3995 GBP, Fee Includes: - over 40 hours of tuition over two weeks - all course materials - guest lectures and field visits -

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