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Art History

Visualizing Venice Summer Institute: Advanced Topics in Digital Art History: 3D and (Geo)Spatial Networks


04 June - 18 June 2018


Summer and Winter University FUBiS


Freie Universität Berlin








3.0 EC


Scholarships are available in order to support tuition, travel, board and accommodation expenses. Accommodation will be available on the VIU campus. EUR

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Digital Technologies for Historical and Cultural visualization are transforming the ways that scholars can study and represent works of art, as well as growth and change in urban spaces and buildings. After five editions of two-weeks summer workshops introducing concepts and methods for digital art and architectural history through hands-on tutorials and collaborative project development, this year the program will focus on advance the field of digital art and architectural history through a combination of project-sharing, technology exploration, and academic discussion.

Course leader

The Wired! Lab for Digital Art History & Visual Culture at Duke University, the University of Padua‘s Architecture and Engineering program and Venice International University with the support of The Getty Foundation as part of its Digital Art History init

Target group

Established teams of scholars (faculty, researchers, post-doctoral and PhD participants) and their technical partners working in the field of digital art history. We anticipate approximately seven (7) teams of 2 – 3 person each, drawn from an international set of collaborators focused on scaling up an existing Digital Art History project, with special attention to projects focused on the intersection of mapping and modeling, and those thematized around Visualizing Cities.

Course aim

We have chosen the 3D AND (GEO)SPATIAL NETWORKS focus for this summer course, because it combines several overlapping areas of special interest to scholars in art history that map directly onto our team’s expertise in geospatial mapping, GIS, and 3D representation. First, digital mapping and spatial analysis have become important ways to contextualize and frame the production of art historical objects, as well as their circulation and reception. Understanding artifacts on-site, how they operate, are experienced and change over time aid the processes of their analysis and interpretation of cultural and aesthetic significance.



04 June - 18 June 2018


Summer and Winter University FUBiS


Freie Universität Berlin




3.0 EC


Scholarships are available in order to support tuition, travel, board and accommodation expenses. Accommodation will be available on the VIU campus. EUR, Scholarships are available in order to support tuition, travel, board and accommodation expenses. Accommodation will be

Register for this course

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