Wrocław University of Science and Technology Summer School


Net-zero Emission Buildings – Maximum Energy Efficiency and Comfort for Users

On the Renovation Wave - Sustainable Thermomodernisation - Toward Climate Neutral Cities

Alternative Fuels

Designing Secured and Reliable Computer Networks

Universal Design in Architecture

Innovative Design Studio: Foming the Public Architecture with Landscape in the built Environment

Modern Manufacturing from State of Art Processes to Automation and Industry 4.0

Introduction to Data Science with Python

Smart Engineering with LabVIEW

Virtual Identity Management

Advances in Electric Power Systems

Past courses

Universal Design in Architecture

Introduction to Data Science with Python

Green Fuels and Environment

Sustainability and Problem Solving with Innovations

Modern Manufacturing - From State-of-art Processes to Automation and Industry 4.0

(u)Computer-assisted Scientific Experiments

Designing Secured and Reliable Computer Networks

Thermal Comfort and Renewable Energy for Low Energy Buildings