Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian Language and Culture

when 3 June 2020 - 10 June 2020
language Bosnian
duration 1 week
credits 10 EC
fee EUR 450

An UONEDU Summer School of Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian language (s) provide the perfect setting for students to learn or develop their Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian language skills, since the Sarajevo city has 3 official language(s). Teachers will give instruction in the preferred language about language, literature, culture, education, sport, lifestyle and hobby. So, students are not just learning about language, they are going to have a chance to learn more about the culture and lifestyle of people who are living in this such a diverse and multi-cultural learning environment.

Course leader

excellent, professional and native teachers, licensed by South Slavic literature or linguistic departments and Universities. Also, all teachers are licensed by The Association of Online Educators.

Target group

excellent, professional and native teachers, licensed by South Slavic literature or linguistic departments and Universities. Also, all teachers are licensed by The Association of Online Educators.

Course aim

Students are not just learning about language, they are going to have a chance to learn more about the culture and lifestyle of people who are living in this such a diverse and multi-cultural learning environment.

Credits info

10 EC
450 Euro per person
350 Euro per person (for students, who finished some online BSC courses and get certified)
250 Euro per person (for students with recommending letter of a teacher, who is a member of The Association of Online Educators or The World Association of Online Educators).
welcome gifts
lot of coffee and sweets
intensive course of 40 lessons
free access to library for a year
free books and handbooks
free mobile courses and apps
free tickets for events that are included in the main course
classes with professional teachers and instructors

Fee info

EUR 450: 450 Euro per person without recommending letter or certificate.
EUR 0: 350 Euro per person for students, who finished some online BSC courses and get certified


250 Euro per person for students with recommending letter of a teacher, who is a member of The Association of Online Educators or The World Association of Online Educators