Oslo, Norway

Controversy Mapping and Computational Anthropology

online course
when 28 June 2021 - 2 July 2021
language English
duration 1 week
credits 8 EC
fee NOK 4000

The past twenty-five years have seen a host of new digitally mediated fields becoming available to researchers in the social sciences and humanities. The shift is not only in the volume of digital traces, which is admittedly dramatic, but very much also in the kind of digital empirical material, we can now work with. Rather than having more of the same, and having it digitized, we are faced with a staggering and ever-evolving array of natively digital empirical material, born from social media platforms, search engines, mobile devices, sensors, etc., and thus shaped by the socio-technical infrastructures of these media environments.

Course leader

Associate Professor Anders Kristian Munk, Aalborg University Copenhagen

Target group

PhD students, graduate or postgraduate student or professional from any social science field of study or related disciplines.

Course aim

This course introduces you to digital controversy mapping and its broader societal relevance discusses the role of computation in a traditionally qualitatively inclined field and gives you hands-on experience with the newest tools and techniques.

Credits info

8 EC
A completed course including submission of an approved paper is awarded 8 ECTS.

Fee info

NOK 4000: The participation fee includes:
Covering of expenses towards administration and honorarium for lecturers.


Oslo Summer School for Social Sciences does not have any grants or scholarships. All costs in relation to participation in our courses must be paid by participants themselves, or by their institution.