Strobl, Austria


when 13 July 2024 - 27 July 2024
language English
duration 2 weeks
credits 8 EC
fee EUR 1680

The Austrian Arbitration Academy Summer Program is an intensive two-week program on international commercial arbitration. Developed for law students with an interest in dispute resolution and young practitioners, the course’s intent is to offer a first insight into arbitration. The course covers all aspects of arbitral proceedings, starting with an introduction on the prerequisites of arbitration. Further modules will focus on the constitution of the arbitral tribunal, the conduct of the proceedings, the arbitral award as well as the challenge and enforcement of said award. Students will be introduced to the legal framework of international arbitration, arbitral rules and relevant case law. The last module is entirely dedicated to investment arbitration.

The Austrian Arbitration Academy Summer Program takes place in the last two weeks of July on our campus located in the picturesque village of Strobl in the Salzkammergut region, one of Austria’s most attractive summer vacation areas.

The unique experience is enhanced by an extensive extracurricular program including sports courses (windsurfing), mountain hiking, and excursions.

Course leader

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Dr.h.c. Paul Oberhammer

Target group

• Students and law school graduates interested in the world of international dispute resolution.

• Young practitioners looking for a comprehensive course giving them first-hand insights into international arbitration.

Course aim

The Austrian Arbitration Academy is an intensive two-week program on international commercial arbitration.

Fee info

EUR 1680: Austrian Arbitration Academy fees are € 1680 which include registration, tuition, use of all sports and recreational facilities (including tennis and windsurfing lessons), and all planned excursions.

External students have to pay the Austrian students’ union fee of € 22.70 to be admitted to the University of Vienna and to enjoy insurance coverage (general accident and liability insurance).
EUR 848: A limited number of rooms is also available on campus. The additional fee for room and board on campus will be collected by the Sommerhochschule for the host institution (Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung). This fee includes accommodation and full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner) for the two week academy program.
Accommodation in a single room: € 1,023.60
Accommodation in a double room: € 848.60
(Prices include local tax.)


The Austrian Arbitration Association (ArbAut) grants one full scholarship for participation in the two week summer program of the Austrian Arbitration Academy.