Mytilene, Greece

Cyber Security between Tech and Business

when 9 July 2023 - 14 July 2023
language English
duration 1 week
credits 2 EC
fee EUR 850

Intensive Program in Cyber Security: business and technical perspectives (1 week program)

Cybersecurity is a key aspect for protecting assets in the digital world. Critical sectors such as transport, energy, healthcare, and finance are increasingly reliant on digital technologies to run their core businesses. While digitalisation brings tremendous opportunities and offers solutions to many challenges, it also exposes the economy and society to cyber threats.

During the 1-week summer course, participants will have the opportunity to broaden their knowledge in cybersecurity from a business and technical perspective. More specifically the topics that will be addressed in this one-week programme will include an introduction to cybersecurity issues and challenges along with the respective network security ones:
GDPR challenges and compatibility issues will be introduced as well as the role of human aspects in cybersecurity and privacy domains,
ethical and educational issues on Cybersecurity will also be addressed as they play a vital role for both users and businesses,
the role of cloud computing technologies will be also presented a mini project will be implemented at the end of the fifth day.

Target group

The Summer School is open to young professionals as well as Bachelor, Master or early PhD students, who want to deep-dive in cyber security and learn how to turn this technology into business. This will enable them to become innovators in the field of cyber security, as designers/developers/policymakers, and consultants in start-ups or larger companies.

Credits info

2 EC
Acceptance of transfer credit is always a decision of receiving institutions.

Fee info

EUR 850: Get Promo Code from the school website to get the Early Bird fee (725 eur/course)