Venice, Italy

New Geographies of Global Risk

when 1 July 2024 - 12 July 2024
language English
duration 2 weeks
credits 6 EC
fee EUR 800

This two-week Summer School offers a unique opportunity to reflect on how understandings of global risk are changing in today’s world and to develop an appreciation of how states and other actors are attempting to secure geopolitical and geoeconomic risk, with a particular focus on maritime spaces. Taught in collaboration between Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the Italian Naval Staff College, the Summer School provides students with the rare opportunity to engage with expert lecturers coming from a range of disciplinary perspectives and backgrounds, in the unique context of the Venice Arsenale.Finally, students will have the opportunity to attend a “Country profile workshop”, where they will be required to actively participate in the analysis of the physical, political, economic and military profile of a Country of their choice.

Course leader

Programme Directors
Prof. dr. Luiza Bialasiewicz, Professor of European Governance at the University of Amsterdam
Dr. Francesco Zampieri, Ph.D., Lecturer and Research Coordinator at the Italian Naval Staff College

Target group

Students currently enrolled in a higher education institution or who have already graduated from it.

Fee info

EUR 800: A fee discount of €100 is offered to students coming from our Partner Institutions.


There are no scholarships available.