Salerno, Italy

Sustainable Construction - Next Generation

blended course
when 28 August 2022 - 3 September 2022
language English
duration 1 week
credits 3 EC
fee EUR 100

Dear Student,
we are glad to invite you to attend the 3rd edition of the Summer School - Sustainable
Historically, pandemics and wars represent a moment to break with the past and reimagine
the future. It is the opportunity for a global growth by facing the new challenges to design
transformations and improvements for more sustainable and inclusive environments, resilient
to the global human and environmental changes. Thus, the Next Generation of sustainable
construction has the ambition to be greener, smarter and stronger.
The school is organized by the Department of Civil Engineering (DICIV) and the Department of
Information and Electric Engineering and Applied Mathematics (DIEM) of the University of
Salerno (UNISA), in cooperation with the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Riga Technical University
(RTU), Latvia, and will take place from August 28 to September 3, in Salerno, Italy.
You will have the opportunity to attend lectures by important international scientists and take
part to all the didactic activities in presence or in remote mode.
The school represents an important chance to improve your skills and to develop your abilities
in the sustainable construction domain, as well as to boost the networking, the cooperation
and the interdisciplinary thinking.
We will do our best to offer you a great experience, both from the scientific and the social
points of view, to let you enjoy your inclusion in the school network.
We look forward to meeting you, sure that your attendance, on-line or in-person, will be
valuable for the success of the school

Course leader

The Director Board of the Summer School
Prof. Martinš Vilnitis RTU -Founder and Codirector (chair)
Prof. Michele Guida UNISA- Founder and Codirector
Prof. Claudio Guarnaccia UNISA- Co-director
Dr. Simona Mancini UNISA- Co-director (deputy chair)

Target group

Education background : Master , Postgraduates or PhD students

You are familiar with: Calculus, General Physics, Basics of building materials and structures, Basics of
technological design of Architecture

Your abilities: English fluency, Appreciate the experience of learning from and working with qualified
professionals, Being a creative person, Team working, Proactive

Course aim

The course is aimed at growing your personal and professional experience, learn more about sustainability in constructions

Credits info

3 EC
Up to 3 ECTS credit points will be awarded upon completion of the program, according to the home
institute rules

Fee info

EUR 100: Registration fee for partecipants joining the summers chool in person
EUR 150: Registration fee for partecipants joining the summers chool in remote mode


Partial or full scholarships could be awarded, upon request, to applicants who do not benefit of other
grants. In the scholarship review process, only applications of candidates who have been accepted to
participate in the Summer School will be review