Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro


when 1 July 2024 - 19 July 2024
duration 3 weeks
fee EUR 1250

Persian International Summer School 2024 at the University of Belgrade: Following the success of our 1st Summer Course in 2023 with International students, the University of Belgrade (the Center for Persian Studies at the Faculty of Philology) is pleased to announce the 2nd Persian Intensive Summer Course in July 2024. This three-week intensive program is designed to improve your Farsi language skills with new and up-to-date learning materials at an academic level.

NOTE: In addition to the Summer School course scheduled at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, in July 2024, ONLINE COURSES are always available for those interested in refining their Persian language skills throughout the year. For more details, please visit our website.

Course leader

* University of Belgrade - Faculty of Philology
* Dates: July 01, 2024, to July 19, 2024 (3 weeks)
* Instructors: University professors (native speakers)
* Hours per week: 25 hours per week (75 hours in total)
* Accommodation: University dorm or by ow

Target group

The 3-week immersion program is carefully tailored to the needs of different target groups, including university students, researchers, and applicants who want to learn Persian or improve their skills at any level. Whether you are a prospective university student, a researcher, or an applicant wishing to acquire Persian language skills, this program is designed to equip you with essential language skills. We aim to prepare applicants from all backgrounds to achieve a high level of proficiency from the beginning of their academic or professional careers.

Course aim

* Develop comprehensive proficiency in the four main language skills.
* Extend understanding of Persian culture and literature, enriching linguistic and cultural knowledge.
* Improve language skills using diverse authentic materials and guidance from experienced native-speaking professors.


A unique opportunity in summer 2024:
Visit beautiful Serbia,
Enjoy your stay in Belgrade,
Improve your Persian language skills,
Learn Persian in a university environment.

Fee info

EUR 1250: The course fee ONLY includes lectures, learning materials, coffee breaks, and two excursions (transportation and meals). Registered applicants should send 20% of the course fee via a wire bank transfer to our faculty account. Payment instructions will be sent to your email after filling out the application form on our faculty website. for more information visit our website or contact us