Wageningen, Netherlands


when 11 June 2023 - 15 June 2023
language English
duration 1 week
credits 1.5 EC
fee EUR 400

The 17th Summer Course Glycosciences combines general introductions in the field of carbohydrates and glycoproteins with in-depth sessions. This gives participants the opportunity to focus on specific interests without losing a broad education.
The course consists of introductory and more in-depth lectures sessions. In addition many interactive elements are part of the programme (e.g. poster sessions, interviews with lecturers, lunches and dinners) to encourage networking between participants and lecturers.

Course leader

Dr. Ir. Kabel (Wageningen University and Research)
Prof. Dr. Schols (Wageningen University and Research)
Prof. Dr. Walvoort (University of Groningen)
Dr. Jurak (University of Groningen)
Prof. Wuhrer (Leiden University Medical Center

Target group

The course is at graduate level. The course is a must for those working in academia, research institutes or industry that want to refresh and deepen their knowledge on carbohydrates and for graduate students working on a PhD project related to carbohydrate chemistry, biochemistry, biology, chemical technology or food science. All participants are encouraged to bring a poster in which they introduce themselves and their work.

Course aim

Programme topics:
-Glycoscience nomenclature
-Analytical techniques for glycosciences
-Molecullar structures and modelling
-(Bio)synthesis of oligosaccharides
-Carbohydrate degrading enzymes
-Glycoscience health & intestinal tract
-Food and non-food applications

Credits info

1.5 EC
Participants will receive 0.5 ECTS extra when presenting a poster.

Fee info

EUR 400: Wageningen University PhD candidates affiliated with one of the Wageningen Graduate Schools
EUR 600: All other PhD candidates / Postdocs and staff affiliated with VLAG Graduate School