Cologne (and online), Germany

Cologne Summer School on Migration

blended course
when 13 August 2023 - 31 August 2023
language English
duration 3 weeks
credits 3 EC

The program will tackle the topic of migration in its multifaceted aspects and effects with diverse disciplinary approaches from a global point of view. In Economics, Legal and Social Sciences, History, Education, Arts, and Humanities, we will explore the causes and conditions for different forms of migration. The sessions will include questions about migration policies, nation-states, ethnic diversity, and social cohesion. Moreover, we will examine the relationship between colonial history and (forced) migration of the 21st century.
During the first ten days of the Summer School, lecturers from UoC and partner universities will present and discuss concepts and case studies from different disciplinary fields in a hybrid setting for onsite and online students. In the second week, the academic program will consist of study trips and site visits to German and international institutions situated in Cologne and the Rhineland concerning the topic of migration (e.g., public institutions in the economic, legal, and social realm, museums, educational and political associations, NGOs). A student project with a presentation at the end of the Summer School will reflect on and deepen the insights into human mobility from a global perspective.

Course leader

The course is conceptualized and organized by the International Office of University of Cologne with the kind academic support of University of Cologne's lecturers as well as lecturers of local institutions in Cologne and partner universities abroad.

Target group

Advanced bachelor and Master students in their first year. Students from all university majors are welcome to apply!

Applications requirements:
-English proficiency TOEFL iTP (627–677), TOEFL iBT (95-120), IELTS (6.5-9), Cambridge Advanced (C1) or Proficiency (C2) Certificate. This requirement does not apply to native speakers and applicants who study entirely in English.
-above average academic performance
-CV in English (max. 2 pages)
-Transcript of Records (ToR) issued and stamped by your home university
-Video of motivation - Instead of uploading a motivation letter, we ask for a video of max. 3 minutes introducing yourself and your academic interest in the topic. Explain your motivation to participate in the hybrid summer school on migration in Cologne.

Please read carefully through our requirements stated in the flyer and application form before submitting your documents. This information is published on our website.

Course aim

The goal of the summer school is to provide a global overview on the topic of Migration from an interdisciplinary perspective and foster discussion as well as academic and intercultural exchange on all levels.

Cologne Summer Schools is an established institution at the University of Cologne and has supported over 3600 students internationally by organizing programs in Cologne and abroad and enabling students' mobility on a global level. Our mission is creating opportunities for intercultural and academic exchange in a socially responsible manner.

Fee info

EUR 0: You have to be a student at the University of Cologne OR a student at a partner university of the University of Cologne. If you don’t know whether your university is a partner of UoC or not, check this page.

If your university is not listed, it is still possible that a partnership on the faculty or department level exists. Therefore, we advise you to inquire at the International Office of your home university or to contact an international program coordinator in your department.


CSS offers mobility grants and onsite scholarships for onsite participation as well as scholarships for online participation. You will find detailed information in the application form and program flyer.