Tallinn, Estonia

Russian as a Foreign Language for Professionals

when 22 January 2024 - 26 January 2024
language Russian
duration 1 week
credits 2 EC
fee EUR 300

With this workshop, we are creating a unique platform for exchanging experiences for teachers of Russian as a foreign language in educational institutions and language courses. Our goal is to unite experts in the field of RFL to make the most innovative approaches to training available to everyone!
The course is based on workshops from leading RFL specialists from Estonia and other countries. Friendly collegial communication is also guaranteed during coffee breaks and the cultural program that complements the course. The program includes five blocks according to the “one day – one topic” system. Each workshop is preceded by introductory theoretical remarks and an open moderated discussion on the stated topic.

Course leader

Лукаш Хвистек, Юлия Амлинская, Ольга Плотникова, Капитолина Федорова, Екатерина Батракова

Target group

Course is opened for all teachers of Russian as a foreign language.

Course aim

To meet other professionals and exchange your experiences; to get new knowledges and inspiration for your work.

Credits info

2 EC
To get the certificate and transcript of records, participants should participate in at least 75% of the workshops.

Fee info

EUR 300: The course fee without cultural program
EUR 400: course fee including cultural program.