Aarhus, Denmark

Genetic Engineering using CRISPR/Cas

when 5 August 2024 - 16 August 2024
language English
duration 2 weeks
credits 5 EC
fee EUR 675

Genetic engineering is becoming a cornerstone method in molecular and cellular biology, biotechnology, biomedicine, and soon in the Hospital setting to treat genetic diseases and to genetically manipulate cells, e.g. immune cells, to endow them with better properties. This summer course will introduce state-of-the-art CRISPR/Cas systems and cover key applications in genetic engineering ranging from core gene editing applications to other capabilities of the system such as transcriptional and epigenetic regulation. The use of CRISPR/Cas for probing basic gene function will be described as well as the current status and future perspectives in therapeutic gene editing. The course will have a specific focus on enabling the students to independently design and perform CRISPR experiments, which will be supported by various theoretical exercises. These will cover aspects ranging from the initial design considerations to the final analysis of gene editing outcomes.

The course is specifically intended for students with a particular interest in biomedical research.

Course leader

Rasmus O. Bak

Target group

Bachelor's Level

Fee info

EUR 675: EU/EEA citizens
EUR 1520: NON EU/EEA citizens


No scholarships available