Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Finland

Data Visualisation

when 5 August 2024 - 16 August 2024
language English
duration 2 weeks
credits 5 EC
fee EUR 1590

Data visualisation enables us to process information faster, work more efficiently, and increase productivity. Today, everyone needs to have an understanding of data and its impact.

Data visualisation, visual communication and storytelling are essential tools for businesses. They enhance information usability and make use of efficient metaphors like hierarchies, graphs, charts, lists, maps, and timelines. This course especially benefits programmers interested in upskilling, designers who want to integrate data-driven design into their portfolio, and business professionals who want to learn how to turn data into easily understandable designs for better decision-making and presentations.

The course supports students in understanding the role of hybrid methods, from map-based visual communication to network analytics and from linked data to storytelling and time-series handling for supporting information visualisation.

Course leader

Communicating data-driven insights in ways that are quick and easy to grasp is an essential part of many professions today. This summer course allows students to critically analyse data visualisations and use them as part of storytelling in presentations

Target group

graduate students and professionals

Course aim

In this course, you will:

- Recognise the basics on how to visualise data in interactive and explorative ways and how to improve information usability for creating visualisations with web technologies based on data

- Understand the requirements for data and data descriptions for various visualisation and application scenarios, ranging from data journalism to business scenarios, and from research to art and design

- Create information visualisations based on data and enhance your presentation, communication and organisational skills

- Learn how to handle spatial, temporal and thematic data in creative ways
Interact and collaborate with other students, share knowledge and ideas through workshops, presentations and demo sessions

Fee info

EUR 1590: tuition fee
EUR 250: programme fee


Unfortunately, Aalto University Summer School does not offer scholarships for participants.