The Hague, Netherlands

International Arbitration

when 1 July 2024 - 5 July 2024
language English
duration 1 week
fee EUR 1200

The International Arbitration Training Course, offered by Leiden Law School in cooperation with the Permanent Court of Arbitration, focuses on the theory and practice of international arbitration as a distinct field of the law and field of legal practice. It covers international commercial arbitration, investment treaty arbitration and inter-state arbitration.

Besides a general course on the principles and practice of international arbitration, the programme offers several thematic courses on certain aspects of international arbitration, such as recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards and institutional arbitration, as well as area-specific courses.

This training course offers a unique opportunity to learn from established academics and world-renowned arbitrators. You will gain first-hand knowledge on arbitration cases. The course also offers plenty of opportunities to network with fellow students and practitioners from all over the world.

Register on the school website!

Course leader

Mr. Brooks Daly, Deputy Secretary-General, Permanent Court of Arbitration
Prof. Dr. Eric De Brabandere, Professor of International Dispute Settlement Law, Leiden Univ
Prof. Dr. Henk J. Snijders, Professor of Civil Law and Civil Procedure, Leiden Univ

Target group

The course is targeted toward practitioners who seek to enlarge their vision or discover a new field of practice, and scholars seeking to gain expertise in the application of concepts and norms within the field of international arbitration. Advanced law students, researchers, and professionals with a demonstrated interest in the topic are invited to apply.

Credits info

At the end of the course, participants receive a certificate of participation. An additional statement regarding the amount of ECTS credits can be issued. Please note that the document is not an official transcript and that it is the student’s responsibility to validate the course for credit at their home university. Keeping in mind that 1 ECTS equals 28 study hours, we value the International Arbitration Training Course to be representing 2 ECTS.

Fee info

EUR 1200: More information on the school website.
EUR 950: Leiden University students, students from partner universities, and participants taking part in at least another Grotius Centre summer school in 2024 pay a reduced fee of €950.


Unfortunately, there are no scholarships available for this course.