Trier, Germany

EU Staff Regulations

when 23 September 2024 - 27 September 2024
language English
duration 1 week
credits 18 EC
fee EUR 1150

This five-day course will provide a thorough introduction to the EU Staff Regulations.

Participants in this summer course will also have the opportunity to visit the Court of Justice of the EU in Luxembourg.

Course leader


Overnight accommodation in Trier

There are special rates for ERA participants at three excellent hotels in Trier.

Target group

Civil servants (incl. lawyers) working for human resources and legal departments in the EU institutions, bodies and agencies, EU officials wishing to know more about their rights under the Staff Regulations and how to defend them before the General Court, representatives of trade unions.

Course aim

Key topics
- Career of a staff member
- Complaint procedure
- Duty of care in the case law of the CJEU
- Procedural rights in administrative inquiries and disciplinary proceedings
- Harassment complaints
- Ethics in the European Institutions

Fee info

EUR 1150: Standard
EUR 862: EU and ERA patrons
Young lawyers and other groups


Early registration discounts
10 % by 23.08.2024
20 % by 23.07.2024