Rome, Italy

Humanities Spring Archaeology Boot Camp

when 13 July 2019 - 3 August 2019
duration 3 weeks
fee EUR 1650

Students read, write, think & dream Classical Archaeology. HSABC starts with a five-day orientation in Assisi. Students explore nearby Roman cities and sites and learn in the process to recognize the component parts of a Roman city (its amphitheaters cubicula, mosaics, gates, baths, temples, and more!). They also do research in our HSABC library, which they then present on site to the rest of the group. Then HSABC heads to a beautiful villa (with a swimming pool!) outside Rome with trips into Rome each day (Colosseum, Forum, Pantheon, Vatican Museums at night with jazz concert in the Cortile della Pigna as well as many of this beautiful city's piazzas and gelaterie!) ; we study and explore in particular the ancient Rome of Julius Caesar. Then in the evening of July 27th, HSABC heads south for intensive, site-specific exploration and study of the ancient Greek city of Paestum and the Roman city of Pompeii, the two classical cities per eccellenza in Italy. Students absorb as much as they can about everything from Latin inscriptions and ancient city-planning, to temple architecture, the history of the domus, and Roman frescoes. Students keep a trip book while they are at HSABC and in collages, sketches, poetry, and prose, record their impressions of what they see. Conversation, both inside the classroom and out, on site, and in museums, is at the heart of the HSABC experience. Our home-base down south is the charming Villa Lucia in Paestum, near the ancient Greek city and a short walk from a beautiful beach; students have time to relax and process the great art and architecture we see and study together. On August 3rd, we take everyone back to the Rome Airport.

Course leader

Professor Jane Oliensis

Target group

High school and college students interested in archaeology and history, art and travel.

Course aim

HSABC teaches students to explore on their own, to think like archaeologists, and to develop their own archaeological imaginations and intuitions. It also introduces students to different archaeological methods and techniques, and different styles of writing about great art and architecture of the past. Students also do many art projects to help them connect with the beautiful art and architecture they see while they are at HSABC.

Credits info

Many of our students have applied and gotten credit and their schools and universities for summer courses taken at Humanities Spring.

Fee info

EUR 1650: Fee covers everything (except the occasional lunch or dinner our, from 1-2 times a week) -- tuition, room, board, all site and museum fees, tickets to Spoleto Festival, Paestum festival, and all other events we attend together, airport pick-up and return and all traveling expenses within Italy. Students should bring 250 euros in pocket money for ice-cream, souvenirs and our occasional meals out -- almost always at wonderful, but inexpensive pizzerie, though we do go for one 2- course meal (15-20 euros) when we are in Amalfi, on the Amalfi coast.
EUR 35: Humanities Spring association fee. We are an Italian not-for-profit cultural association; to participate in any of our courses students most become members (soci) of Humanities Spring. Once you are a member of HS you are also covered by our HS insurance.


HSABC offers both work-study and merit scholarships to student who otherwise would not be able to attend.