Thessaloniki, Greece

International Journalism and Media Organizations in a Turbulent Age: European and Asian Perspectives

when 16 July 2017 - 23 July 2017
language English
duration 1 week
credits 5 EC
fee EUR 800

Department of Journalism and Mass Media Communications, Deutche Welle Academie, and Beijing University of Foreign Studies are happy to announce the joint Summer School on “International Journalism and media organizations in a turbulent age: European and Asian Perspectives” which will take place from 16th to 23d of July 2017 in Thessaloniki Greece. The Summer School will focus on the opportunities and challenges for reporting Asia and Europe, in times of an ever-changing digital world.

The intensive multi-disciplinary training course aims to provide in-depth knowledge and robust skills based on which the participants would develop an informed understanding of critical issues of International Journalism and to identify issues that are context-dependent and with global features in media organizations both in Europe and Asia.

The program is structured around keynote presentations by distinguished experts in each area and interactive small group and roundtable discussions. Students will attend a series of workshops, and will plan, undertake and report on collaborative mini-projects using a range of digital technologies and mobile media.
The course will be run with a mix-method teaching style and includes lectures, discussion, small group work, policy lab and other collaborative learning activities to ensure the active participation of students in the learning process. Sessions will be led by experts from across fields, including research, policy making, and mass media industry.
Students will have receive up to 5 ECTS credits.

Target group

Applications are now open for the Summer School for junior scholars, researchers or practitioners, having the following background:

-Bachelor/Master students of Journalism, Political Science, International relations, Communication, etc
-Professionals from media and other related organisations who need a deeper understanding on the issues addressed.
The application should include the following material:
1) a completed application form;
2) a copy of the applicant’s CV
All applicants should be fluent in English.

Course aim

Participants in this course will emerge with a better understanding of the latest academic research, policy, market and professional trends in the area of critical issues of International Journalism and to identify issues that are context-dependent and with global features in media organizations both in Europe and Asia.

Fee info

EUR 800: The cost is €800 and covers tuition fees, accommodation in Thessaloniki, breakfast and lunches, costs for the day-trip, health care insurance and related costs such as stationary. Not included in this fee and to be covered by each student are travel to and from Thessaloniki, visa costs (we are happy to supply an invitation letter), some dinners, additional spending in Thessaloniki.

We are happy to support applications for external funding for the summer school with proof of acceptance and a letter of support.