Summer and Winter University FUBiS


Twentieth Century Berlin: People, Places, Words

German Language and Culture - Semi-Intensive German Language (A1-C1)

European Studies

Law, Society and Politics in Comparative Perspective

Past courses

German Philosophy: From Kant to Habermas

Europe, Migration, Refugees

Fascist Movements in Comparative Perspective

Seduction and Terror: Hitler's Germany

Europe, Migration, Refugees

History of European Art: Local Traditions and Transnational Networks

International Peace Mediation and International Negotiations

Seduction and Terror: Hitler’s Germany

German Language and Culture - Intensive German Language (A1-C1)

Resistance and Protest in Post-War Europe 1953-1989

German Language and Culture - Semi-Intensive German Language (A1-C1)

Berlin Architecture, Culture and City Marketing, 1750 -present

Flight and Exile. Migration Movements in Literature of the 20th and 21st Centuries

Business & Society in Europe

History of European Art: Travelling Artists and Artworks

Berlin: Music and Sound in the Digital Age

Europe, Migration, Refugees

Seduction and Terror: Hitler’s Germany

Global Challenges - Sustainable Futures

Architecture in Berlin. A Walk through History

Sustainable Business: Strategy & Innovation

German Language and Culture - Intensive German Language (A1-C1)

The Cold War

The European Union in the 21st Century: Internal and External Challenges

German Philosophy: From Kant to Habermas

Law, Society and Politics in Comparative Perspective

German Language and Culture - Semi-Intensive German Language (A1-C1)

Economic Ethics and Philosophy: Can the Market Be Moral?

Environmental Social Movements

Entrepreneurial Leadership in Berlin and Europe

Urban Imaginaries: Between Place and Space in Berlin

Art in Germany from the Middle Ages to the 20th Century

The Making of Europe: The Long 20th Century