Debrecen, Hungary

Hungarian Language and Culture

when 17 July 2024 - 11 August 2024
language Hungarian
duration 4 weeks
credits 6 EC
fee EUR 1299

– intensive course
– 6 class units a day, 45 minutes each (4 classes on Wednesdays, Cultural Workshops on Tuesday nights)
– daily schedule: 9:00–10:30; 11:00–12:30; 14:00–15:30
– groups of min. 4 up to 15 students
– from beginner to proficiency level
– language of instruction at beginner levels: English
– special groups for heritage speakers of Hungarian
– placement test before the course starts
– Debrecen Summer School examination and Certificate

Target group

The age limit for participants in these courses is 16 years of age. Participants between 14 and 16 years of age can form a separate group of minimum 4 students. In this case, accommodation and supervision shall be the responsibility of their parents.

Credits info

6 EC
120 class units, 12 ECTS credits
60 class units, 6 ECTS credits

Fee info

EUR 1299: 4-week course from 17 July to 11 August
EUR 799: 2-week course from 17 July to 28 July or from 31 July to 11 August


Scholarships granted by Tempus Public Foundation:
Scholarships granted by Osztrák-Magyar Akció Alapítvány:
Scholarships granted by DSS: