Roskilde, Denmark

Offshore from Fixed to Floating Wind Farms

when 18 November 2019 - 22 November 2019
language English
duration 1 week
credits 2.5 EC
fee EUR 250

This 5-day winter school will focus on advances in offshore floating wind within the following range of topics:
•Trends and opportunities for offshore floating wind energy
•Issues related to planning and the environment
•Wave loads on offshore floating turbines
•Offshore wind resource assessment in deep waters
•Mesoscale modelling of wind and waves including extreme wind and wakes
•Operational measurements including nacelle lidar, floating lidar and SCADA for lay-out and wake
•Design loads on floating wind turbine structures
•Control of floating wind turbines

Practical experiments will demonstrate remote sensing methodologies, and ad-vantages and limitations will be discussed.

Course leader

Charlotte Bay Hasager

Course aim

This 5-day winter school will focus on advances in offshore floating wind within the following range of topics:
•Trends and opportunities for offshore floating wind energy
•Issues related to planning and the environment
•Wave loads on offshore floating turbines
•Offshore wind resource assessment in deep waters
•Mesoscale modelling of wind and waves including extreme wind and wakes
•Operational measurements including nacelle lidar, floating lidar and SCADA for lay-out and wake
•Design loads on floating wind turbine structures
•Control of floating wind turbines

Practical experiments will demonstrate remote sensing methodologies, and ad-vantages and limitations will be discussed.

Fee info

EUR 250: •250 euros per Ph.D. student
EUR 2000: •2000 euros per non-Ph.D. student