Rosenheim, Germany

TH Rosenheim

when 20 June 2022 - 25 June 2022
language English
duration 1 week
credits 3 EC

The purpose of the class is to familiarise students with various theoretical frameworks that allow them to identify, analyse, and resolve ethical issues in business decision making. The course will enable students to recognise that nearly all challenging business decisions involve in addition to economic and legal considerations also an ethical dimension. We will start the course by studying three major ethical theories (utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics), but we will quickly move to the study of specific cases like the VW emissions scandal, the Enron and Wirecard debacles, diversity training at Google and sexual harassment at Uber. We will explore topics such as rights to privacy, conflicts of interest, insider trading, whistleblowing, sustainability and the rights and duties of agents and fiduciaries.

Course leader

Prof. Dr. Nils Rauhut, is a guest lecturer from our partner Coastal Carolina University and holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy. He has been teaching the class since the beginning in 2019 and students evaluated the class positive. Welcome back in Rosenheim.

Target group

Students in min. 1 semester.

Course aim

At the end of the course students should be able:
 to understand the history and the development of the field of business ethics.
 to utilize methods in moral reasoning, case analysis, and in resolving ethical dilemmas.
 to recognize the ethical obligations and ethical ideals present in the relationship between employers and employees.
 to set ethical boundaries in cases involving marketing, sales, and advertising.
 to understand the challenges of finding universal ethical norms that apply to people and companies in every region in the world.

Credits info

3 EC
A 3-week programme can be booked as a Joint Summer School programme with partners from the Netherlands, Windesheim University of Applied Sciences (3 ECTS-credits) and Spain, La Salle University Campus Barcelona (3 ECTS-credits) plus the Intercultural track (1 ECTS-credit). Full Joint summer school programme sums up to 10 ECTS-credits.

Fee info

EUR 0: For students from European partner universities of TH Rosenheim, which take part in the Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme (BIP). Check with your International Office. Optionally you can book a accomodation package for 350 EUR
EUR 850: For students from partner universities who do not take part in BIP and wordwide.
975 EUR for all other students.
Early Bird 10% for applications before 1 February 2022