Nijmegen, Netherlands

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

when 4 July 2022 - 8 July 2022
language English
duration 1 week
credits 2 EC
fee EUR 800

This course is designed for both junior and senior scientists who would like to acquire some knowledge on maintenance, expansion and characterization of induced pluripotent stem cells and their many potential uses in regenerative medicine and clinical therapy.

Course leader

Dr. Silvia Albert
Manager of the Radboudumc Stem Cell Technology Center
Human Genetics

Target group

• 1st Year Bachelor
• Advanced Bachelor
• Master
• PhD
• Post-doc
• Professional

This course is designed for every student or researcher who would like to enter the magic world of reprogramming or to deepen their knowledge on the culture of induced pluripotent stem cells and regenerative medicine.

Course aim

After this course you will be able to:

1. Maintain your iPSCs undifferentiated under optimal culture conditions.
2. Recognize signs of differentiation or problems with the cells.
3. Freeze and thaw your iPSCs maintaining them undifferentiated.
4. Describe the potential of iPSCs for regenerative medicine.

Fee info

EUR 800: The fee includes the registration fees, course materials, access to library and IT facilities, coffee/tea, lunch, and a number of social activities.


We offer several reduced fees:
€ 720 early bird discount- deadline 1 April 2022 (10%)
€ 680 partner + RU discount (15%)
€ 600 early bird + partner + RU discount (25%)