Radboud Summer School

Past courses

Qualitative Data Analysis

Applied Social Network Analysis

Causal Inference in the Social Sciences

Comparative Research Designs

Discourse Network Analysis

Introduction to Inferential Statistics: the class you need before regression

Introduction to Process Tracing

Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

Introduction to Quantitative Text Analysis

Introduction to R

Regression 1: Linear Regression

Survey and Questionnaire Design

Digital Technologies in Qualitative Data Collection

Doing Intersectional Quantitative Research

Interpretive Research Methods

Multi-Level Regression Analysis of Cross-Sectional and Panel Data with R

Multi-Method Research: Techniques and Applications

Political Language: Analyzing State-‘Created’ Categories

Social Science Measurement: Designs, Models, and Strategies

Advanced Applied Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

Advanced Qualitative Data Analysis

Comparative Historical Analysis: How to Use History in Social Inquiry

Inferential Network Analysis

Introduction to Machine Learning for Social Sciences

Longitudinal Data Collection with the Diary Research App: DearScholar

Structural Equation Modeling

Panel Data Analysis

Process Tracing Methods in Practice

Qualitative Expert Interviews

Collecting Web Data with R

Multi-Method in Pactice: Pluralist Case Study Designs

Regression 2: Logistic Regression and General Linear Models

Peer Relations and Interactions in Childhood and Adolescence

'Choosing one's own way.' The meaning of Viktor Frankl's heritage for Modern Psychiatry and Spiritual Care

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells: Maintenance, Differentiation, and Uses for Regenerative Medicine

Introduction to Data Science with R and Rstudio for the Social Sciences

The Ins & Outs of Kidneys: From Physiomics to Transplantation

Trends in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Language

International Grail: Communities-with-a-Heart

Migrant Inclusion Policies and Practice

Radboud in’to Languages English Boost Camp Workshops

Citizenship and Migration: Europe's 21st Century Challenges

The Use of Health Technology Assessment (HTA) to Support Universal Health Coverage

Introduction to Preclinical Drug Discovery

Language Development for Academic Writing

Analyzing Neural Time Series Data

Complexity Methods for Behavioural Science: A Toolbox for Studying Change

Decarbonising Industry: Technology, Policy, and Societal Readiness

Introduction to Machine Learning with R and Rstudio

Towards Individualized Care: Sex & Gender Perspectives in Health

New Perspectives on the Typical and Atypical Trajectories of Learning in Child Development

Baby & Child Research Center: Translating Developmental Science from Research to Practice

Serious Games for Analysing and Supporting Complex Decision-Making

Intellectual Disability and Health: Reducing Inequity

Analyzing Neural Time Series Data

Introduction to Design Thinking and Service Design

Personalized Medicine 101

Quantifying Uncertainty: Prediction and Inverse Problems

The Art and Adventure of Leadership

Quantum in the Summer: An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Quantum Computing

Current Issues in Environmental Science

Making [Systematic] Literature Reviews Work for You

Experiments in Behavioral Economics - Methodology and Applications

Private International Law within the European Union - Contractual and Non-Contractual Obligations

Sport in Health and Disease from Exercise Physiologist's Perspective

OPSFA Summer School - Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and their Applications

Sometimes Crime IS the Rational Choice

Clinical Skills in the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression: Hands-on Practice and Heads-on Theory

Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

Chemometrics: Introduction to Advanced Data Analysis

European Banking: Strategic and Regulatory Issues

Philosophical Lessons from and for The 'Post-Truth Era'

Microplastic Pollution - from Problem Identification to Solution

An Introduction to Visualisation and Modelling of Spatial data (in R)

Know the (Hi)story, Make the Future: Journalism in the 21st Century

Linear Algebra for Neuroscientists

​​Crash Course in R – a Gentle Introduction​

​​Introduction to Programming in Python​

Concepts and Conceptualization: Building Blocks of Social Science​

Multi-Method Research in Theory and Practice​

Interpretive Research Methods

Qualitative Data Analysis: Concepts and Techniques​

Critical Discourse Analysis: Texts, Contexts and Power​

Ethnography and Fieldwork​

Comparative Research Designs

​​Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA): Performing Basics and Advanced Analyses using R​ (Two week course)

Process Tracing Methods (Two week course)

​​Comparative Historical Analysis: Using History to Enrich Social Inquiry​

Analytical Pragmatism: An Introduction to Relational Social Science

R for Advanced Users

Randomized Experimental Methods: Survey, Lab, Field and Conjoint Experiments​

Introduction to Regression and Inferential Statistics

Regression 2: Logistic Regression and General Linear Models: Binary, Ordered, Multinomial and Count Outcomes​

Panel Data Analysis

Structural Equation Modelling

Applied Social Network Analysis​

Discourse Network Analysis

Pluralist case study designs for qualitative research

Gaming approaches for Analysing and Supporting Complex Decision-Making ​​

Ethnographic Methods: From Fieldwork to Textwork

Qualitative Data Analysis: Research Designs and Practices

Qualitative Interviewing - Experts

Rethinking Comparison: Reinventing How and Why to Do Comparative Research

Applied evaluation research design and methods

Advanced Structural Equation Modelling

Causal Inference with Natural Experiments: DiD, RDD, IV, & Matched Designs

​​Introduction to Necessary Condition Analysis (NCA)​

Introduction to R

Survey and Questionnaire Design

Doing Intersectional Quantitative Research

Multilevel Regression Analysis with R

​​Big Data: Collecting Web Data with R​

Inferential Network Analysis

Introduction to Text as Data​

Introduction to Machine Learning for Social Sciences​

Advanced Text Analysis

Transformative Change for Sustainability Action

Getting Started with R: An Introduction to Data Analysis

Greek Papyri and the Society of Graeco-Roman Egypt

Towards Individualized Care: Sex & Gender Perspectives in Health

Introduction to Data Science with R and Rstudio for the Social Sciences

Basic Dosimetry and Radiobiology for Radionuclide Therapy

Facilitating Group Model Building to Support the Sustainable Development Goals

Stress and Cognition

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells; Maintenance, Differentiation and Uses for Regenerative Medicine

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells; Maintenance, Differentiation and Uses for Regenerative Medicine

Excellence Beyond Boarders: Breaking Down Barriers in Gifted Education

Intellectual Disability and Health: Reducing Inequity

Complexity Methods for Behavioral Science: A Toolbox for Studying Change

Technology and Sustainability Modelling for Net-zero Industries

Introduction to Machine Learning with R and R Studio

Migrant Inclusion: Policies, Practices in the Age of Digitalization

Introduction to Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Analysis

Defending the Rule of Law in Europe

Starting your own business

International Grail: Communities-with-a-heart

Preclinical Drug Discovery

Excellence Beyond Borders: Breaking Down Barriers in Gifted Education

Brain, Bacteria and Behaviour: Understanding the Gut-Brain Axis

An Introduction to the Fascinating World of Cardiology