Linz, Austria

Energy Transition

when 11 July 2022 - 22 July 2022
language English
duration 2 weeks
credits 4 EC
fee EUR 2150

The Austrian Summer School of Energy Transition (ASSET22) is a 10-day intensive course that provides international and interdisciplinary students an overview of sustainable development of energy systems. The course focuses on energy resources, technologies, and optimization of local and regional energy systems using real-life examples. The course is delivered through a combination of lectures, assignments, and site visits where students have the opportunity to see working systems that utilise energy sustainably. The material taught in this course gives an overview of the state of energy matters worldwide using Austria as an example.

Course leader

Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

Target group

Post graduates with at least a BA degree in any environmental, technical, social area or equivalent

Course aim

The knowledge gained in this course will allow students to identify the main drivers of sustainable energy systems, as well as, the opportunities and challenges involved in meeting peak demand.

Credits info

4 EC
It cannot be guaranteed that the ECTS points will be credited at the respective universities.

Fee info

EUR 2150: The costs include food, transportation and accommodation during the field trips
There is a 15% discount until 28 February 2022.


There is the possibility to apply for a fellowship to pay 50% less. Therefore, an additional motivation letter has to be sent including why you should receive the fellowship.