Nijmegen, Netherlands

English Boost

when 4 July 2022 - 8 July 2022
language English
duration 1 week
fee EUR 675

During this course you will focus on a different aspect of the English language each day of the week. This allows you to work on and improve a wide range of skills. You will develop your accuracy, confidence and communicative ability selecting the aspects English that you wish to improve.

Course leader

Wendy Naylor
English teacher
Radboud in'to Languages

Target group

- Master
- PhD
- Post-doc
- Professional

Students at all levels, RU and Radboudumc staff can highly benefit from these practical workshops

Course aim

After this course you will be able to:

- Use the structures, tone, register and language to write effective and convincing emails for a variety of purposes.
- Give successful presentations by using appropriate functional language and developing articulation skills.
- Get your message across in a clear and understandable way with further insight into the pronunciation of English sounds and words.
- Use the correct grammatical tenses, sentence construction and avoid common grammatical errors in speaking and/or writing in English.
- Develop awareness of the power of language and how to build vocabulary to exploit it to the full.

Fee info

EUR 675: The fee includes the registration fees, course materials, access to library and IT facilities, coffee/tea, lunch, and a number of social activities.


We offer several reduced fees:
€ 608 early bird discount- deadline 1 April 2022 (10%)
€ 574 partner + RU discount (15%)
€ 506 early bird + partner + RU discount (25%)