Copenhagen, Denmark

Phylogenomic Applications in Biodiversity Research

when 1 August 2022 - 18 August 2022
language English
duration 3 weeks
credits 5 EC
fee DKK 4250

With genomic sequencing being routinely applied for non-model organisms, phylogenetic and comparative genomic analyses have become standard tools for the study of biodiversity and conservation. The processing and analysis of such large datasets requires bioinformatic skills, knowledge of analysis tools, and an understanding of the fundamentals of molecular sequence evolution.

As genome-wide datasets are being generated at an unprecedented rate, competencies in phylogenetic and comparative genomic analyses are becoming indispensable in many branches of biodiversity research. The purpose of this course is to provide the students with knowledge about the principles of the phylogenetic analyses and comparative analyses with large-scale data. The course will provide participants with the skills to analyze genomic data to study the evolution of biodiversity.

The summer course is composed of three modules: a 1-week preparation/self-study, a 1-week on-campus module with lectures and exercises, and a 2-week module to apply the knowledge in an independent project. The independent project will be presented in a final online symposium.

Course leader

Guojie Zhang

Target group


Fee info

DKK 4250: EU/EEA citizens
DKK 7625: Non EU/EEA citizens