Vienna, Austria


when 6 September 2022 - 8 September 2022
language German
duration 1 week

Most of the time, we look at the other coming from the outside in normative ways – the foreign is framed as interference or enrichment, rather than being perceived as neutral. In this summer school, Dr. Sabine Ritter, sociologist at University of Bremen, Prof. Dr. Stefan Zahlmann, historian at University of Vienna, and Dr. Dr. Stefan Mann, agronomist at the research institute Agroscope invite to better understand the phenomenon of invasivity. 10-20 participants of this summer school are selected through the process of an essay competition. Additionally, the selected essays will be part of an edited volume. A key part of the course will be the correlation of the discourse on so-called invasive species (i.e. plants and animals) and (human) migration. Both biological and cultural-social competencies are important for the investigation, hence we hope for lively discussions between the disciplines to gain new insights.

Early career researchers are invited to submit an essay (2000-6000 words) concerning “invasivity” until March 15th 2022. We’re looking forward to essays contributing to an understanding of the subject, the terminology and the historical, social, and cultural construction of the topic, regardless the academic discipline.

Until May 1st, 10-20 participants will be selected from the submitted essays. Their texts will provide the basis of our discussions at the summer school. Please note that the course language is German.

The summer school is taking place in Vienna from 6.-8. September 2022. As accommodations are prepared for the whole group, this should create an environment for a unique experience and inspiring output. For more details, please visit the homepage below.

Course leader

Dr. rer. pol. Dr. sc. agr. habil. Stefan Mann
Dr. Sabine Ritter
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stefan Zahlmann, M.A.

Target group

graduates, early career researchers

Course aim

This summer school’s aim is to gain new insights about the phenomena of invasivity and migration through an interdisciplinary approach. Early career researchers can expect a network of like-minded colleagues and inspiring approaches on the topic.

For the process of application, it is mandatory to submit an essay on the topic. Selected papers will not only be part of the summer school but also compiled to an edited volume afterwards.

Credits info

This summer school is not linked to any curriculum. Instead, accommodation and travel expenses are being taken care of and selected papers are being published after the summer school.

Fee info

EUR 0: Acccommodation and travel expenses (train) is covered by the organizers.
EUR 0: Acccommodation and travel expenses (train) is covered by the organizers.