Lesvos, Greece

Cultures, Migrations, Borders

when 4 July 2022 - 14 July 2022
language English
duration 2 weeks
credits 10 EC
fee EUR 500

For the ninth year the Department of Social Anthropology and History of the University of the Aegean and the Institute of Migration and Ethnic Studies of the University of Amsterdam welcome applications for the Postgraduate International Summer School ‘CULTURES, MIGRATIONS, BORDERS’ that will take place on the border island of LESVOS, GREECE, from 4 to 14 JULY 2022.

In order to apply please visit our website.

Course leader

Evthymios Papataxiarchis, Emeritus Professor, Dept. of Social Anthropology and History, University of the Aegean

Target group

The Summer School aims at bringing together students and researchers in humanities and social sciences with an interest in border and migration. The program is designed to combine theoretical instruction by renowned instructors from eight universities with various on-site activities.

Course aim

The broader socioeconomic and political transformations in Africa and Asia have recently resulted in increased migration flows to Greece and, more generally, to Europe. Being at the crossroads of populations and cultures the islands of Eastern Aegean have served as one of the entry “gates” to Europe. In this context, and especially in connection to the current crisis, border crossings have become the focus of intense debates as they are intertwined with issues of culture and identity formation, the European Union and state policy, and constructions of 'otherness'. By drawing on an increasing interest in the study of cultures, migrations and borders, our Summer School examines how migrations shape and are shaped by processes of boundary formation in a variety of cultural encounters.

Fee info

EUR 500: The Summer School fees are €500. Accommodation, transportation and food are not included in the fees (with the exception of everyday coffee-breaks and a welcome reception dinner) but can be obtained at relatively low prices. The travel cost for the fieldtrip to Mytilene is included in the fees.


The scholarship grant corresponds to the reduced fee of €200 and does not include accommodation, transportation and food.