İstanbul, Turkey

Applied Statistics Using R

when 20 August 2022 - 20 August 2022
language English
fee EUR 150

This course covers the following statistical methods:

– Introduction to R Programming (Basic Calculations, Installing Packages, Vectors, Matrices, Lists, Data Frames)

-Summarizing Data ( Descriptive Statistics, Plotting)

-Distributions and Confidence Intervals

-Hypothesis Tests (One Sample t-Test, Independent Samples t-Test, Paired Samples t-Test, One Way ANOVA, Two Way ANOVA, One Sample Sign Test, Mann-Whitney U Test, Kruskall-Wallis H Test, Pearson Chi-Square Test)

-Regression and Correlation Analysis

Course leader

Prof. Dr. Cigdem Aricigil Cilan

Target group

All researchers and students interested in Statistics and R Programming

Course aim

The main purpose of this course is to advance participants’ knowledge of programming and statistics. In this course, the basic statistical methods will be used according to the structure of data and the purpose of the research, and the R results will be interpreted.

Fee info

EUR 150: until June 10th, 2022 225 Euro
EUR 150: After June 10th 200 Euro