Verona, Italy


online course
when 10 June 2022 - 2 July 2022
language English
duration 4 weeks
fee EUR 100

What’s the importance of Iran’s role in today’s world? How are Iranian domestic and foreign politics shaping the Middle East’s internal dynamics? What is happening within Iranian society? How is Iran’s foreign policy shaping the regional order? What is being done to solve the water crisis? All these questions will inform the Iran track.

Course leader

Dr Michele Groppi is a Lecturer in Challenges to the International Order in the Defence Studies Department (DSD), King's College London. He obtained his BA from Stanford University (Honors) in International Relations.

Target group

Students and young professionals

Course aim

This module will help the participants to achieve a clear understanding of the importance of Iran’s role in today’s world in four stages. The first stage will provide an updated general introduction to Iranian studies. The second and third stages will analyse and examine representations of both internal and external effects of Iranian politics, whilst the fourth stage will discuss current crises that the country is facing. All four stages of this track will be taught in a hybrid model of lectures and interviews to involve the participants in dialogue with some of the most prominent scholars in the field. By the end of this module, participants will achieve a clear understanding of Iran’s role in today’s world.

Credits info

- Inclusive, top-notch accessible education delivered by world-leading experts
- Flexible and remote learning
- Access to recordings of our frontal lectures, interactive seminars, and discussions.
- Access to ITSS Verona global network
- Membership for the year 2022/2023 granting automatic access to every ITSS Verona event, including webinars and conferences
- Certificate of completion
- Possibility to publish a piece in the second issue of the ITSS Verona International Security Magazine

Fee info

EUR 100: With the goal of being accessible to students of all socioeconomic backgrounds, we provide a highly reduced fee. Admissions are rolling. We encourage students to apply soon, as there are limited spaces.


for those participating in the summer school that chose to submit articles to the ITSS Verona International Security Magazine, if pieces are accepted for publication in the second issue, all paid fees for the school will be reimbursed.