Venice, Italy

Ernest Hemingway’s Presence in Venice & in the World, Now and Then

when 10 July 2023 - 15 July 2023
language English
duration 1 week
credits 3 EC
fee EUR 500

This interdisciplinary summer school will take its cues from a short selection of accessible texts to explore Ernest Hemingway’s presence and influence in Venice and beyond. Reading his works in the Venetian context will not only give students access to one of the most important Modernist writers, but it will also lead them to an examination of history, geography, cultural critique, language, and culture centered in Venice. With his ubiquitous presence in Venice and in the World, Hemingway offers us a key to many an aspect of modern literature and culture.

Course leader

Boris Vejdovsky, University of Lausanne, Switzerland (Scientific Coordinator)
John Bolin, University of Exeter, UK
Mark Cirino, University of Evansville, USA
Michèle Longino, Duke University, USA
Luca Pes, Venice International University, Italy

Target group

Applications are welcome from graduate students (MA and PhD) in various disciplines: Literary Studies, American Studies, Global Studies, History, Politics, Media and Film Studies, Cultural Studies, Art, Gender Studies, Queer Studies.

Course aim

- An in-depth understanding of Hemingway’s impact on world literature and culture.
- A theoretically informed view of U.S. cultural and linguistic influence on the twentieth century and beyond.
- A fine appreciation of Hemingway’s works from the artistic and stylistic points of view.
- A comprehensive view of the historical context of Hemingway in Venice and of the importance of the city in global culture.

Credits info

3 EC
A Certificate of attendance will be issued at the end of the course.

Fee info

EUR 500: Students of VIU member institutions.

VIU Alumni are eligible for a reduced fee.
EUR 1000: Students of other institutions.

The fees will cover tuition, course materials, lunches in the San Servolo cafeteria (6 working days on campus), and social events.
Student participants will be responsible for covering their own travel expenses to and from Venice, accommodation and local transportation. Venice International University offers its support to book accommodation on San Servolo Campus, in multiple rooms (triple/quadruple) with other participants for the duration of the Summer School. Further information about costs is provided in the brochure and application form.


PhD candidates and post-docs from EU universities may be eligible for Erasmus+ mobility grant support.
Contact VIU Erasmus office: