Altmünster, Austria

Earthen and Bamboo Construction

when 16 July 2023 - 30 July 2023
language English
duration 2 weeks
credits 4.5 EC
fee EUR 1920

Practical experience with regenerative materials is the focus of these two intensive weeks, complemented by theoretical inputs and discussions. Participate and learn from the world’s leading experts in earthen and bamboo construction!

Participants can choolse two out of four workshops on different materials and construction techniques
:: Adobe + Earth Blocks
:: Rammed Earth
:: Earth and Fibres
:: Bamboo

Spend two weeks in a wonderful place at the shore of Lake Traunsee and use this unique opportunity for hands-on learning and networking with like-minded people and international experts.

Course leader

BASEhabitat team + experts

Gian Franco Noriega, Zoé Tric (amàco)
Dominik Abbrederis (da-do), Max Weidacher
Francois Streiff, Becky Little (rebearth)
Verónica and Luisa Correa, Daniel Stamatis (bambuterra)

Guest talks with experts like Anna Herin

Target group

We address architects, students, lecturers, craftsmen and –women from all over the world, who are interested in sustainable architecture.

Course aim

We want to promote earth and bamboo as excellent materials for sustainable architecture.
Earthen and bamboo architecture has not only a long tradition in human settlement, but it also offers many advantages for contemporary architecture. BASEhabitat wants to foster the consideration of socio-cultural, economical and ecological aspects in the architectural design and construction.

Credits info

4.5 EC
Course certificate (4,5 ects) issued by University of Art and Design Linz
Confirmation of participation issued by BASEhabitat

Fee info

EUR 1920: The fee includes
:: accommodation in a 2-4 bed room (en suite) in the ABZ
:: full board (vegetarian, regional, seasonal)
:: participation in all the summer school activities, workshops and lectures
:: a summer school handbook
:: leisure activities and beach within walking distance


We offer some scholarships in different amounts. Criteria for the award include academic/professional excellence, income level, nationality/place of residence, as well as multiplier potential and social commitment.