Tallinn, Estonia

Introduction to Estonia, Finno-Ugric Cultures and Nations

when 16 July 2024 - 2 August 2024
language English
duration 3 weeks
credits 1 EC
fee EUR 120

As Estonia is one of the Uralic nations, it is the best place to get to know Finno-Ugric cultures! A 6-day workshop on Finno-Ugric Studies provides an overview of the Finno-Ugric nations’ history, culture, and modern developments.

As the scientists found out, the Finno-Ugric peoples have inhabited the European continent for around ten thousand years. Mainly, they live in the territory of Estonia, Russia, Finland, and Hungary. How these countries are connected? During the workshop, we will study how the Hungarians, Finns, Estonians, Sami, Komi, Mansi, and many other Finno-Ugric nations are related to each other, how they settled so far from each other, and what are the roots of their origin. The topics covered by the course include not only the history of the Uralic peoples, but also contemporary politics, modern forms of cooperation, and cultural trends. We will have a chance to learn the basics of some Finno-Ugric languages and talk to representatives of some organizations working with Finno-Ugric issues (for example, NPO Fenno-Ugria, NGO Komi Cultural Society).

Course leader

Anna Kuzentsova

Target group

The course is open to everyone interested in the topic.

Course aim

To learn how the Hungarians, Finns, Estonians, Sami, Komi, Mansi and many other Finno-Ugric nations are related to each other, how they settled so far from each other, what are the roots of their origin. The topics covered by the course include not only the history of the Uralic peoples, but also contemporary politics, modern forms of cooperation, and cultural trends.

Credits info

1 EC
Students will be awarded 1 ECTS for full participation and satisfactory completion of a 2000 word written assignment

Fee info

EUR 120: Regular fee