Pristina, Kosovo

Climate Change Policy – Public Participation and Art

when 7 August 2023 - 19 August 2023
language English
duration 2 weeks
credits 4 EC
fee EUR 470

This course aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the science, impacts, and policy responses related to climate change. The course will cover the causes and consequences of climate change, its impact on natural and human systems, and the mitigation and adaptation strategies that are necessary to address it. This course aims to explore the various ways in which public participation can be leveraged to tackle climate change: different models of public participation, the role of stakeholders in climate action with a specific focus on the intersection of climate change with arts and culture.

Course leader

Visar Berisha and Vjosa Beqaj-Krasniqi. Berisha specializes in quantitative and qualitative social policy research in Kosovo. Beqaj-Krasniqi is a results-oriented manager and coordinator of policy reforms with 11 years of professional experience.

Target group

Summer School as School is an interdisciplinary education and art collaboration model designed for BA, MA and PhD students, artists, architects and researchers of visual arts, humanities and social sciences, political theory, art history and curatorial studies, architecture and design, and anyone with a keen interest in the subject area.

Credits info

4 EC
At the conclusion of each course, participants will be issued a certificate stating their equivalency of The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) credits from Stacion - Center for Contemporary Art Prishtina, Kosovo and the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Lyon, France.

Fee info

EUR 470: 400 euros for self-paying students, with the offer of accommodation in student residences.
EUR 670: 600 euros for institutionally sponsored students, with the offer of accommodation in student residences.


Special conditions apply for alumni of the Summer School as School.
Scholarships are available for students from Kosovo.