Burgas, Bulgaria

Marine Renewable Energy for the Black Sea

when 4 September 2023 - 8 September 2023
language English
duration 1 week
credits 10 EC
fee EUR 300

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of Sofia University (FEBA) invites you and your colleagues to participate in the first edition of the international Marine Renewable Energy Academy, which will take place in the town of Burgas, Bulgaria, between 04.09-08.09.2023.

The summer school is organized in partnership with the British Embassy in Bulgaria and features lecturers from British, American, and Danish universities (and, of course, from Sofia University), who will share knowledge on:

- Technological development and innovations in the field of marine renewable energy

- Strategies for the transition of the gas and oil industry to renewable energy sources

- Social and environmental impacts

- Project development for offshore wind energy

- Risk management and financial aspects

- Recyclability and circular economy for the offshore wind industry.

Participants will receive a certificate from Sofia University upon successful completion.

The school will take place at the International Congress Center in Burgas, located between the port and the sea garden. The working language is English.

Course leader

Dr. Mariya Trifonova
Chief Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski

Target group

Master students, PhD Students, Young Professionals, and Civil Servants, interested in the deployment of marine renewable energy in the Black Sea

Course aim

Developing a multi-disciplinary foundation of knowledge about the potential of low-carbon energy development in the Black Sea.

Fee info

EUR 300: The participation fee is 300 euros for 5 days. It includes access to all courses and lectures, as well as coffee breaks and lunch snacks.

Additionally, we provide preferential prices for accommodation at Hotel Bulgaria and Hotel Marina, located nearby. More information is available on the Academy's website.
EUR 0: The participation fee is 300 euros for 5 days. It includes access to all courses and lectures, as well as coffee breaks and lunch snacks.

Additionally, we provide preferential prices for accommodation at Hotel Bulgaria and Hotel Marina, located nearby. More information is available on the Academy's website.


The registration fee has been already partially subsidized by the British Embassy in Bulgaria, which covers some of the costs.