Helsinki, Finland

Circular Economy

when 5 August 2024 - 16 August 2024
language English
duration 2 weeks
credits 2 EC
fee EUR 590

Sustainable development requires a fundamental shift in the way resources are used in our economic system. Instead of continuing a linear economic model where resources are used and discarded, we need to shift to a circular economy model where economic value is created through the circular use of resources. The transition towards a circular economy has fundamental implications for businesses and other organizations.

Furthermore, the transition to circular economy does not only ask ‘what should be done?’, but urges to ask, ‘how are we thinking?’. Systems thinking is an essential part of circular economy, as it identifies the interconnectivity of economic, political, social, and ecological systems.

Know-how in designing and developing circular business models and value chains will be an asset in various organizations and sectors, for example, in the largest waste-creating industries, such as the textile, food, and construction industries. As circular solutions become more widespread, knowing how to tackle the pitfalls of circularity is essential for future professionals across disciplines.

Course leader

Sustainable development requires a fundamental shift in how resources are used, and the transition will have fundamental implications. The students will learn how circular business models are designed and how they provide value to the customer.

Target group

undergraduate students and recent high-school graduates

Course aim

In this introductory course to circular economy, you will:

- Learn core concepts and principles of circular economy thinking

- Gain insight into how these concepts and principles are brought to life in practice via concrete examples and company visits

- Apply these concepts and principles to design a circular solution

- Develop an understanding of circular economy from environmental, social, and economic angles from a multidisciplinary perspective

Fee info

EUR 590: tuition fee


Unfortunately, Aalto University Summer School does not offer scholarships for participants.