Lignano Sabbiadoro (UD), Italy

Quantum Ai

when 2 September 2024 - 6 September 2024
language English
duration 1 week
fee EUR 610

Quantum Machine Learning, which is the application of quantum computing to ML tasks, is an emerging field that has already shown promising results in some applications, and a promising future for Artificial Intelligence at large. These technologies could allow incredible advancements in various fields, tackling various issues such as complex physical simulations and optimization problems.
This summer school aims at helping students and researchers to learn about the latest developments in this field, and provide a platform to discuss new ideas and applications.

Course leader

Giuseppe Serra & Carla Piazza - Professors of Computer Science, University of Udine
Alessandra di Pierro - Professor of Computer Science, University of Verona
Francesco Petruccione - Professor of Quantum Computing, Stellenbosch University

Target group

Young researchers, Ph.D. students, university students, but also quantum enthusiasts coming from the industry and outside of academia … Everyone who is passionate about quantum technologies, quantum computing, quantum machine learning, and quantum artificial intelligence is eligible to apply!

Course aim

This summer school aims to provide an objective and clear overview, as well as an in-depth analysis, of the state-of-the-art research in Quantum Machine Learning and Deep Learning.

Credits info

Every participant who attends at least 90% of the lectures will receive a certificate of attendance.

Fee info

EUR 610: Fee: 500 € + VAT
The Summer School will be held in the holiday resort “Bella Italia Village” in Lignano Sabbiadoro. A number of single and shared rooms will be made available at a special rate for attendees. Check the updated information in the accomodation page on the website.

