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Computer Sciences

A Primer of Resource Management in User-centric Networks, the PHY Perspective


02 July - 02 July 2013


ULOOP/NEMPS Summer School


University Lusófona






0.0 EC


300 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
A Primer of Resource Management in User-centric Networks, the PHY Perspective



Course leader

Huiling Zhu, University of Kent

Target group

PhD students and recent PhDers (up to 3 years); MSc students; researchers.

Course aim

Throughout 5 days, the ULOOP/NEMPS Summer School 2013 shall bring together PhD and MSc students; researchers as well as engineers and provide an exciting perspective on user-centric networks, both based on academic and industry partners. This is a training summer school, whose programme comprises:rnrn rnrn Tutorial and hands-on sessions provided by key experts from academia and industy.rnrn A PhD Forum where PhD students worldwide can submit an extended abstract on their research. The 3 best contributions will be awarded, and the students are offered an excellent opportunity to exchange know-how both with colleagues and with international representatives from academia and industry.rnrn Three sessions dedicated to exciting and recent applicability fields (People-centric services; Machine to machine communications; Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems).rn

Fee info


300 EUR, The Summer School registration comprises the welcoming session, access to all sessions and also lunches, coffee-breaks, as well as a free digital compilation of the Summer School material.\r\n\r\n The PhD Forum registration comprises coffee and lunch breaks, as well as a digital compilation of the PhD Forum material.\r\nLodging is not included.\r\n \r\n\r\n Discounts are considered for NEMPS PhD students, as well as University Lusófona's students, teachers/researchers, and associates. Please use the codes provided next. Please notice that we need the respective ULHT number.\r\n\r\nPlease notice we consider also an early-bird fee, 10% of discount, if your registration is done before April 15hth 2013.\r\n\r\n A late fee of 50 Euros shall be added to registrations after June 1st 2013.\r\n\r\nRegistrations may be cancelled without penalty until April 30th 2013. Refunds for cancellation after payment shall only be possible partially (30%), after May 1st 2013.



02 July - 02 July 2013


ULOOP/NEMPS Summer School


University Lusófona


0.0 EC

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