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Cultural Studies

Academic Reflections and Media Practice on Politics and Culture


20 July - 01 August 2014


Broadcasting the Americas: Academic Reflection and Media Practice on Politics and Culture


Bielefeld University






5.0 EC


90 EUR

Please note: this course has already ended
Academic Reflections and Media Practice on Politics and Culture


The international Summer School, "Broadcasting the Americas: Academic Reflections and Media Practice on Politics and Culture", is an Erasmus IP project of nine European universities. It is based on an innovative articulation of media practice and academic discussion. Grounded in the educational philosophy of a problem-based learning approach, students are introduced to academic reflections of current conflicts and dynamics in the Americas are asked to formulate their own opinions in intercultural teams. In a second step, students themselves will act as transmitters of knowledge as they develop a radio-feature during the project based part of the summer school.

Course leader

Dr. Jochen KemnerrnBielefeld UniversityrnCenter for Interamerican StudiesrnPO/Box 100 131rn33501 BielefeldrnrnFon: ++ 49 (0)521 106- 3241rnE-mail: interamerican_summerschool(at) rn

Target group

Highly motivated students from various fields of knowledge (American Studies, Hispanic Studies, Area Studies, History, Politics, Sociology, etc.) from bachelor degree up to PhD candidates.

Course aim

he summer school contributes to the international exchange of students and teachers as well as on network building amongst Partner institutions working in the emergent field of Hemispheric American Studies. By bringing together and merging the positions of lecturers and students in an environment outside their own university campus, the Summer School creates a multifacted exchange of ideas, teaching styles, approaches to studying the Americas and perceptions of higher education.

Fee info


90 EUR, The Summer School Fee includes tuition, academic program, excursion, extra curricular activities, and social events.


250 EUR, Optional accommodation for the whole event can also be booked for an additional 250€.



20 July - 01 August 2014


Broadcasting the Americas: Academic Reflection and Media Practice on Politics and Culture


Bielefeld University


5.0 EC

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