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Performing Arts, Creative Arts and Design

Acting: For Camera


30 July - 10 August 2012


Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Summer Schools


Royal Conservatoire of Scotland




United Kingdom


0.0 EC


850 GBP

Please note: this course has already ended
Acting: For Camera


Throughout the summer school you will be working with and supported by the Royal Conservatoire’s Acting and Digital Film and Television teachers and guest artists.
You will work within the training facilities and with industry-standard equipment and techniques in order that you can progress to the next level of performance.
A wide variety of screen performance skills will be researched, explored and developed in the summer school.
Practical workshops, delivered over the first few days of the short course, examine the following areas:
• how to keep the inner life of the character fresh whilst dealing with the technical demands of acting with the camera
• how to analyse film and TV scripts and use that analysis to create character
• vocal and physical skills required when acting on screen
• technical tips, coping with rehearsal as well as the shoot and understanding film and TV jargon

Course leader

The course will be lead by teaching staff from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Target group

This ten-day intensive summer school is designed for people aged 17 plus who have an interest in developing screen acting skills and techniques.
It may be useful for those who wish to enhance existing skills, pursue a pathway to further training or explore a career in the field of acting for camera.

Course aim

By the end of the short course students should have:
• an understanding of the essential aspects of acting for camera
• developed technical and creative performance skills crucial for producing good quality filmed material
• worked as an actor within a professionally supported shoot
• had the opportunity to watch film footage created throughout the short course

Fee info


850 GBP, 50% payment is required to book a place.



30 July - 10 August 2012


Royal Conservatoire of Scotland Summer Schools


Royal Conservatoire of Scotland


0.0 EC

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